Antwerp - Belgium

STOKERS building

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Year of installation



Dentech BVBA
Tel: +32 (0) 496 28 61 15
Sijsjeslaan, 1
2540 Hove

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Brand new concept in Antwerp, STOKERS is a place which can fulfill many roles. Rented as co-working spaces, a meeting venue or even a canteen, the multipurpose building was enhanced thanks to the Domintell system. This architectural place where people gather used to be a military hospital but was recently reshaped for an all other type of use. In order to turn it into a design and cozy site, the owners decided to make use of the benefits of building automation.


As the venue is used for a wide variety of gatherings, he needed a system that was as flexible as his concept. Domintell was therefore the right choice, and it was decided to let it manage the lighting, heating and access controls for the entire building. As the building is divided into several sections consisting of meeting rooms, offices and spaces, the system was perfect, as it is designed to create independent settings for each zone. This room-by-room configuration does not preclude an overview of the entire site. In fact, it can be controlled and managed from a central touch screen or from the Domintell Pilot application.



For our multifunctional environment, we wanted a system that was as flexible as our concept. Providing a favorable atmosphere for any potential use of our building is essential to our business, and Domintell was the perfect system for this. Also, when STOKERS hosts events until late at night, we no longer have to be present to switch off the whole building or control the climate, as this is now all managed automatically according to our own configurations on the software or via the mobile app. Domintell was the ideal answer to the many needs of our flexible applications.


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