The new environmental sensors

Novelties in the Domintell range, the DENV01 and DENV02 are environmental data measuring modules.
Installed outside your building, the DENV01 module measures four environmental data: temperature (in °C), humidity level (in %rH), atmospheric pressure (in hPa) and luminosity (in lx). The DENV02 is an indoor module measuring three environmental data: the temperature (in °C), the humidity level (in %rH) and the CO2 concentration (in ppm). These two modules allow you to analyze the quality of your environment and therefore to configure automatic reactions of your installation depending on the results received by the Master module. Indoors and outdoors, your installation adapts to your environment!
In order to operate, the DENV01 and DENV02 require an installation equipped with a new generation Master module (DGQG02/04) and a dedicated DCAPT01 interface. Included with the DENV01 and DENV02, this module is essential for the use of environmental sensors. Each sensor needs a DCAPT01 interface, even if several DENV0x are present in the installation (several DENV0x can be connected to the Domintell bus).